New World Order: The Satanic Fourth Reich
Esoteric Underpinnings Of The Six Thousand+ Year Conspiracy
Subjects Covered:
My Introduction
Ukraine and the Nazi Zionist Connection
The Fourth Reich
Nazism - Communism - Satanism
The World Economic Forum
Oligarchy, Satanism, Nazism, Communism, Genocide and World Take Over
Depopulation Agenda of Humans and Animals
Historical and Current Mass Murders
Deep State & Shadow Government
What Rules Over Us?
Links don’t last. You can search for a video using the title and channel name on a platform, search engine or browser of your choice. I will add a screenshot beneath a YouTube video if it provides information in the description that I do not want to lose.
Israel and Ukraine - the history. (24th July 2023)
Tracing Zionist and Nazi movements. The Nazi apologism of Zionists.
Zionism has deep roots in Ukraine. Jews were a significant element in the settler colony of Odessa.
Along with a range of non Jewish colonizers they settled on land from which Muslims and others had been expelled in the settlement around Khadjibey in 1794.
Ukraine, especially Odessa, was a key locus of the rise of the Zionist movement in the twentieth century.
The Revisionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky hailed from Odessa.
Zionist ambivalence about Ukrainian nationalism continues to this day.
A few Ukrainian Zionists have warned of the rise of Nazi movements in Ukraine. But more generally, in the Zionist movement today there has been a concerted attempt to minimize the presence and political influence of Nazis in Ukraine. The Jewish president of Ukraine, Zelensky, his soldiers and body guards wear Nazi symbols
Zelensky was photographed in Rome 2023 wearing the symbol of Order of Ukrainian Nationalists. Wikipedia says "Members of the OUN took an active part in the Holocaust in Ukraine and Poland."
Ukraine on Fire (20th August 2021).
This Oliver Stone documentary was recommended for me to begin to understand the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. After all, the first casualty of war is truth and we are not meant to hear the Russian side.
"Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? "Ukraine on Fire" by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people's revolution, it was in fact a coup d'état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America's geopolitical agenda abroad."
Germany was shown images on TV in 2014 of Ukrainian soldiers wearing combat helmets with SS insignia and swastikas. US, Germany and Israel know what they are arming. Nazi’s.
It didn’t stop Germany and Israel from funding the Azov Nazi soldiers from around 2018, give or take.
Commentary: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem (20th March 2018).
“As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: Azov Nazi vigilantes use intimidation and even violence, with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.”
This is the oldest article I found in Legacy Media about Nazi’s in the Ukraine, and even then I had to search for this off Google (Bing search engine). There will be a reason for that. If you scroll to the Deep State & Shadow Government section of this post I am starting to build a profile of how the legacy media is not diversified in ownership anymore. This is why we as individuals need to support independent investigative journalism.
The Reality of Ukrainian neo-Nazis is Far from Kremlin Propaganda. (11th September 2017).
Nazi collaborator monuments in Ukraine. (27th January 2021). Forward.
Why did Stanford students host a group of neo-Nazis? (3rd July 2023). Forward.
The Azov battalion, a neo-Nazi Ukrainian unit, has found friends among America’s elite.
In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia. (13th May 2014). John Pilger. The Guardian.
"Washington's role in Ukraine, and its backing for the regimes neo-Nazis, has huge implications for the rest of the world."
In first, Israel said to authorize sale of defensive military equipment to Ukraine. (16th March 2023). Times Of Israel.
US one of only three countries to vote against UN resolution condemning glorification of Nazism. (21st November 2017).
I suppose that is fine for a close ally of Zionist Israel.
The Whitewashing of Neo-Nazis: Lev Golinkin & Ben Makuch on How Far Right Is Exploiting Ukraine War. (20th July 2023). Democracy Now.
The Best Kept Secret Of The Deep State: Episode 17 Denazification:(?)
The neo-Nazi Azov's were privately funded by the Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomisky, an energy magnate billionaire. This should give pause for thought.
All episodes by The Free People’s Movement:
Rights groups demand Israel stop arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine (9th July 2018).
"Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces" ...
Zelensky quietly deletes photo of his bodyguard’s pro-Hitler patch. (20th September 2022).
"... the patch, which is branded the “Operator Skull” and manufactured by a company called R3ICH, an explicit reference to Nazi Germany ... clear reference to Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler–Hitler’s personal bodyguard unit ... "
Link to the archived original photo in this article. Yes, Zelensky’s body guard wears the same symbol that Hitlers body guards wore.
Kiev renames major street to honor Russian Nazi collaborator. (7th July 2016). Times of Israel.
Stepan Bandera’s nationalist group urged Ukrainians to ‘destroy’ Jews and Poles in the 1940s.
Report about Ukraine from website Stop World Control.
Donbass children perform 'The Alley of Angels'
Former Canadian Minister of Defence, Hon Paul Hellyer identified CIA, Mi6 and Mossad as serving The Fourth Reich. Hellyer explains that the New World Order is the Nazi’s ‘New Order’ realised on a grander scale. Not just Europe, but the world.
Liberation! The Economics of Hope. (28th September 2020).
Aliens, Finance and then the Fourth Reich is discussed at 21:55.
Hidden History of Zionism - ROBERT SEPEHR. (21st January 2024).
An anthropological study of Zionism. The main themes are that the Zionists follow a Messiah that advocated ‘Redemption Through Sin’. There is no evidence that Hitler ordered the extermination of Jews, and interestingly (but unsurprisingly) the German Nazi’s set up a community in Palestine before the Zionist invasion (Nakba).
The New Order (German: Neuordnung) of Europe was the political and social system that Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the areas of Europe that it conquered and occupied.
Planning for the Neuordnung had already begun long before the start of World War II, but Adolf Hitler proclaimed a "European New Order" publicly on 30 January 1941: "The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order!"[
New Order?
Céline Dion - Celinununu (Commercial) (31st July 2021). CelineDionWeb.
"Out of these troubled times, a New WORLD Order can emerge." President George H.W. Bush 9/11 1991.
1991 - Bush 41 Promotes a New World Order before Congress, ForgottenHistoryUSA (25t6h January 2009).
George Bush Sr. promotes the ideas of a New World Order to Congress on September 11, 1991 after Operation Desert Storm ended.
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power. (26th September 2004).
President Biden Says United States Must Lead 'New World Order' (22nd March 2022). Forbes Breaking News.
"We fight for this New World Order", Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik. Fox News, (28th February 2023).
The Nazification of the West by Greg Reese (March 2022).
The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs Audiobook Part 1 of 2 - Agenda 21 Depopulation.
”How the New World Order, Man Made Diseases and Zombie Bankers are Destroying America - Audio Book Part 2 of 2
***Very Many of the Organizations Named Here by Jim Marrs were in fact Pilgrim's Society Operatives***America's economy is in shambles. . . .
Its citizens are terrified and dissatisfied. . . .
Could it all have been planned by a secret elite one hundred years ago?
The New World Order. Hitler referred to it in his diaries. President George H. W. Bush foretold of it in his speeches.
Formed by a secretive global elite, the group seeking this new order has taken hold of the nation and perhaps the world. Its influence pervades every reach of American society, from the products we buy at the grocery store to the topics of evening news programs.
But could it also be true that the New World Order caused one of the greatest financial catastrophes of our time?
For years, best-selling author and legendary conspiracy researcher Jim Marrs has exposed information that the mainstream corporate media has refused to report. Now, with a crisis upon us, Marrs has yet again unearthed the lies to expose the insidious alliances that make up a secret world.
Consider this: In 1910, a handful of the world's most powerful government and corporate men gathered on Jekyll Island to discuss matters at a private hunting lodge. The agenda? First, the overthrow of the sitting American president; second, the creation of a central bank, one headed by a succession of elitists who would unconstitutionally control America's money and its economy for decades. . . .
Flash forward one hundred years. Never before have the American people been so unhappy. Apathy and paralysis are the nation's guiding principles. Public education has repeatedly failed. More and more Americans rely on overpriced pills for remedies to fabricated illnesses. The average American household spends eight hours a day in front of the television, ruled by the vague fears of terrorist attacks and economic collapse. Control of the mass media has devolved to a mere five multinational corporations.”
The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs Audio Book Audiobook Part 2 of 2 Agenda 21 Depopulation
Technocratic Global Tyranny and the Resistance - Conversation with Journalist and former Deputy Prime Minister of Moldavia Iurie Rosca, author of "The Fall from Capitalism to Technocracy. Notes of a Dissident on the New World Order" (2023).
Dr Stan Monteith. The federation of the world.
2.5 hour lecture about Cecil Rhodes, Freemasonry, Communism/Capitalism, wars & revolutions, one world government (NWO), Illuminati, Club of Rome, Satanists, UN, Lucis Trust etc etc etc
MAKIA FREEMAN ~ "The International Satanic Network Exposed" [Age of Truth TV]. (4th April 2024).
Blood drinking (adrenochrome - loosh). Demonic possession: political policy and more
The International Satanic Network Exposed: Survivors Reveal Names of Presidents, Prime Ministers and Royals. Makia Freeman. (2023).
Break Your Chains: Exposing the Grand Conspiracy and Presenting the Way Out. Makia Freeman (2023).
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
The New World Order- Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy. (26th July 2012).
"Learn more about the history of the new world order as it pertains to modern times and what's going on in the news today. From kabbalists, to Gnostics, knights templars, Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, freemasonry right down to the illuminati people speak of today."
The Nazi takeover in Serpent’s Walk occurs after the country is attacked with genetically-engineered biological warfare weapons. Although the nature of the infection is different, the overall paradigm is identical. (Fiction?).
Evidence that the preparations for mass murder of Americans were well underway in the 1990’s:
Who are The Illuminati and What Do They Want Full Explanation. (14th October 2015).
This 30 minute video lecture is an excellent primer to the subject of the Illuminati and their nefarious project The New World Order. It's not the last word, but it is a start.
The author of Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Albert Pike, wrote about the plans for WWIII in a letter to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini, dated 15th August 1871. This letter has now disappeared from public view but was quoted by naval officer William G. Carr in his book Satan Prince Of This World.
The Freemasons had knowledge of the Holocaust before 1891. This is a video of an 1891 Freemason Bible, describing the Holocaust as a human sacrifice.
Foundations of Holocaust: American eugenics and the Nazi connection. (30th December 2012).
The Rockefeller Foundation funded NAZI doctor Mengele research into the science that fuelled Nazi Germany’s racial hygiene.
Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire (2002) by Jüri Lina
“This book provides stunning information about the secret role of the Freemason’s in international politics, about the bloody upheavals in France in 1789 and in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the presence of dark Masonic forces behind the scenes (both Lenin and Trotsky were high-ranking freemasons, obeying the International Masonic Council). The Author pursues the history of the communist ideology from the Illuminati of the 18th century, to Moses Hess and his disciples Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.”
In the Shadow of Hermes (The hidden secrets of Communism) - Eng Subs - 2009.
The dark Masonic forces that are shaping our world.
Notes from Winston Churchill about the difference between Zionism and Bolshevism. Interesting he needed to make an issue out of a difference:
I remember being shamed and shut down when I asked a simple question: “why were the Bolshevik’s mostly Jewish?” Only recently have I tentatively asked that question again, and discovered there is a wealth of information including that being “Jewish” does not mean practicing the Jewish religion. It is regarded as an ethnicity first and foremost by many of those who identify as “Jewish”. That is even though I am fairly sure that Jews from China, Ethiopia or Yemen are different to New York City Ashkenazi Jews. But okay. If they want to own the child sacrificing Satanist Jews then I am not going to put up an argument except to say being Jewish is not a birth-right, the ‘gene theory of the Jewish race’ was debunked decades ago, and they should excommunicate those who hate God because they are dangerous.
The Awful Truth About Bolshevism and Its Implications on Our Modern World. (8th November 2024).
Revolutionary upheaval and collective sacrifice to fulfil Talmudic Messianic prophecies of the pre-enlightenment is central to all Communist cells.
The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty
The sixth Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, said “Our race is the master race. We are the divine Gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects".
Exposing Communist Infiltration of the Church: Eric Metaxas | Facts Matter (12th March 2024). Video.
Parallels with Nazi Germany in early 1930's. Discussion with Eric Metaxas.
Letter to the American Church (Trailer and link for group screening)
For fighting the Nazi-Marxist-Satanist infiltration of the Christian Church.
Subversive Origins of Communism - ROBERT SEPEHR (28th January 2024).
“Communism is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, cultural and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose end goal is the creation of a radical Marxist global society, a totalitarian order centered around a non-elected centralized ruling elite that enforces common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange, as well as a culturally egalitarian social order hostile to nationalism, free speech, private property, traditional family values and biologically-based gender identification or ancestral heritage.”
· Illuminati had infiltrated the Freemasons and
- were behind the French Revolution (Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the governments of Europe carried on in the secret meetings of free-masons, illuminati and reading societies by John Robison).
- Were behind the Russian Revolution (Marx was a Satanist communist) that led to the most savage genocide in history where tens of millions perished at the hands of the Bolsheviks.
Turkey is ruled by the secret Jewish society Dömneh who pretended to convert to Islam and are secretly the heretic Sabbatean Frankist Jews, like Rothschild.
(I wish they would take the word “Jew” out of “Frankist Jew”. They are perhaps born Jews but became heretics, therefore stopped being Jewish.)
These are the slogans or rhetoric promoted by Communism, which promotes anti-nationalist sentiment, anti-traditionalist values and anti-white racism. These look good on paper, especially egalitarianism, but the rhetoric is a pack of lies. The reality, in every single instance down through history; there is mass murder of those that oppose a totalitarian system, and those who are considered of inferior race and that is now called ‘collateral damage’. At the end of the day it is another Get Rich Quick Scheme for the Elitists.
In his book To Eliminate the Opiate Rabbi Marvin Antelmin said there was no doubt that Jewish-born heretics created the terror behind the French Revolution:
1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance by Robert Sepehr (2015).
Rothschild Investment Group Partners With Vatican To Rebrand Communism As ‘Inclusive Capitalism’ (11th December 2020).
Quote …
It signifies the urgency of joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity. Under the moral guidance of His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence Cardinal Peter Turkson, who leads the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development at the Vatican, and inspired by the moral imperative of all faiths, the Council invites companies of all sizes to harness the potential of the private sector to build a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable economic foundation for the world.
The Council is led by a core group of global leaders, known as Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism, who meet annually with Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson. These leaders represent more than $10.5 trillion in assets under management, companies with over $2.1 trillion of market capitalization, and 200 million workers in over 163 countries.
The organization challenges business and investment leaders of all sizes to embrace the Council’s guiding principles and make public commitments to act on them. These collective actions are intended to lead to systemic change by making capitalism a greater force for inclusivity and sustainability. Watch a video of the Guardians discussing the Council’s mission here.
Speaking to the Guardians, Pope Francis said, “An economic system that is fair, trustworthy, and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed. You have taken up the challenge by seeking ways to make capitalism become a more inclusive instrument for integral human wellbeing.”
The Guardians have already committed to hundreds of measurable actions, and Council members will make ongoing commitments to continue to advance inclusive capitalism. They will be accountable for their public commitments and invite businesses around the world to join. View the full list of actions being taken here.
“Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society,” said Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council and Managing Partner of Inclusive Capital Partners. “This Council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to ‘the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor’ and answer society’s demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth.”
And the Rothschilds provided funding to Karl Marx to write “his” “Communist Manifesto”….
The Rothschild’s are Satanist:
Marx was a Satanist:
and there is quite a bit about The Vatican in my Major Religions post.
Subversion in the USA via Non-Government Foundations | G. Edward Griffin and Norman Dodd, 1982
Info in the description: "G. Edward Griffin interviews Norman Dodd, who was the congressional Director of Research for the Reece Committee, 1953-1954. In 1953, Congress tasked Rep. Carroll Reece with establishing and directing a congressional investigative committee to investigate the activities of the major Wall Street tax-exempt foundations – Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller – on the ground of suspicions of subversion.
The Reece Committee was thus created. The Committee's investigation involved numerous interviews and the thorough study of these foundations' private records, on site. It determined the foundations' activities to be unamerican and subversive, and to consist of the use of propaganda, influence and grant making power to control the channels of social influence (media, advertising, etc.) and, thus, public opinion, but also to control education, and to infiltrate institutions and co-opt nexuses of power.
A key aspect in all this was the debasement of education and its transformation into a vehicle of indoctrination. Also essential, the use of social influence and institutional power to advance socialist legislation and globalist policies, as well as to bring about the incremental destitution of Congress (it being the truly representative body of government) – and the simultaneous empowerment of the executive branch towards semi-autocratic standards. After all, it’s easier to run the government when most power is concentrated in the executive, and you covertly run the executive, and the president, from behind the scenes.
The declared aim was to create a silent, non-bloody revolution in the United States.
The purpose was also, ostensibly, to degrade and debase the population to make them more manageable and controllable. If you're debased and dissolute you won't care about the takeover of society, won't stand for principle, and won't join with others to fix stuff. You will, in fact, help take down the fabric of society by means of inept, degraded interpersonal behavior. Also, if the focus of your concerns is whether you feel good, special and cool, have nice things for yourself, etc., then you're easily controlled by those who have the power to either give you candy, or to chastise and punish you. You're fit for social control, and that's what these foundation characters knew.
Yet, there was more. As Rowan Gaither, the director of the Ford Foundation, explained to Norman Dodd: «All of us here have at one time or another served in the OSS [the Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA], or the European Economic Administration, operating under directives from the White House. We [still] operate under those same directives. The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we should use our grant making power to so alter life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union».
The “merger of the United States with the Soviet Union” Gaither alludes to occurs at two levels. First, it refers to merging capitalist democracy with the paradigm of the socialist controlled society to create a form of technocratic, corporate fascism – what we've gradually been going into for the last decades, pace now speeding big time. But it also refers to what has since become known as “convergence”: to literally converge the U.S. and the Soviet Union (along with the rest of the world) into a standardized system of world governance, one that will eventually be run by a socialist world government (on behalf of a high oligarchic elite).
Read the Reece Committee Report. Go to, type in “reece committee” in the search box, and you'll get the links for the Report pdf files (each pdf contains a section of the Report).
In addition to this interview, you should also read Professor Carroll Quigley’s writings, “Tragedy and Hope” and “The Anglo-American Establishment”. Professor Quigley, being somewhat of an in-house historian for the old Anglo-American aristocratic and mercantile dynasties that run the U.S. (what may loosely be termed the Establishment), describes their agenda for the world, whom he personally advocated. He also describes their vast institutional and organizational networks, extending from finance banking to commercial banking, and then to industry, to politics and to civil society – and including the big Wall Street foundations. He lets you know how these networks are organized to fulfill the general oligarchical policies and agendas that emanate from Establishment circles. Everything Norman Dodd mentions in this interview is validated in Professor Quigley’s books.
You should also read Charlotte Iserbyt’s work on the foundations’ role on the debasement of education. Charlotte was Senior Policy Advisor for the Department of Education under Reagan and is an accomplished author on the use of education and the social sciences to subvert and degrade populations. Her essential bestseller is “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”."
Woke is Marxism + Maoism to take over the west. James Lindsay names our enemies, the World Economic Forum, in his speech at the EU Parliament.
Woke-Ism Can Be Traced To A Hungarian Social Engineer Who Introduced "Cultural Terrorism" And Sexual Indoctrination As Early As 1919: The History Is Not Actually Mysterious Or Murky by Celia Farber The Truth Barrier.
Klaus Schwab's family and personal history linked to Nazi's, Nukes, CIA, Club Of Rome and the Global Leaders Of Tomorrow Forum. Why are they hiding this about Klaus Schwab and the WEF? | Redacted. (18th January 2023).
“Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is underway right now in Davos Switzerland. The globalists are meeting to decided how they will control you for the next decade of your lives. But who is Klaus Schwab? … the man that sits at the helm of the WEF.”
and suggested by Redacted:
It's even WORSE than we thought, Klaus Schwab and the WEF exposed | Redacted (18th January 2023).
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Deciphers the Transhumanist Goals of Schwab and Gates
"There are reasons to be concerned, but ultimately there is one tremendous reason to have hope. That's the overarching message from Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko in my latest interview for The Midnight Sentinel. We covered much more than that and the entirety of the interview is enthralling. I strongly recommend making the time to listen to the whole thing.
For complete transparency, Z-Stack is a company that sells Dr. Zelenko's nutraceuticals and they're one of our top sponsors. But here's the thing. I've been hoping to get Dr. Zelenko on my show since long before Z-Stack became a sponsor. If they'd never become a sponsor, I still would have conducted this interview and nothing about it would have changed. The funny part is we made contact first about getting him on the show, and during the course of our conversations the representative for Dr. Zelenko told me about Z-Stack. I deal with each component separately so as not to influence the commentary.
Around halfway into the interview, I asked Dr. Zelenko to describe the endgame. We had talked about what was going on. Now, I wanted to know why, and Dr. Zelenko delivered bombshells..."
The WEF and Klaus Schwab have a BRAND-NEW TARGET | Farmers! The time to UNITE and FIGHT IS NOW. We are billions strong. (22nd July 2023). Redacted.
“What is the state of the Dutch Farmer protest movement, something we’ve been covering at length? Dutch farmers have been pushing back against government efforts to shut down farms and implement nonsensical environmental standards. Farmers have stood up in protest, driving tractors into cities and making themselves heard. But is it working? Jim Ferguson is a former Parliamentary candidate and a businessman and entrepreneur who has been outspoken on this issue. Is this a fight won or is it coming to a food supply near you?”
Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. (10th March 2022).
“The World Economic Forum wasn’t simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn. This is the amazing story behind the real men who recruited Klaus Schwab, who helped him create the World Economic Forum, and who taught him to stop worrying and love the bomb.”
Does WEF’s Professor Harari Have a Right to Live? By Dr Joseph Sansone. (2nd February 2024).
Harari said God doesn't exist, so why does he live in Israel? He's not a Jew!
WEF Mastermind Yuval Noah Harari Says Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God
May the WEF Plot Suffer the People’s Resistance. (25th January 2024). Epoch Times.
"The Davos crowd ran a demolition derby for the destruction of liberty around the globe."
Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. (2016). John Coleman (former CIA).
World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, Intel agencies.
4 billion “useless eaters” would be eliminated by 2050 through limited wars, organized epidemics, and starvation
Yuval Noah Harari: Human Nature, Intelligence, Power, and Conspiracies | Lex Fridman Podcast #390. (18th July 2023).
An official from the World Economic Forum, Yuval Noah Harari, said in a podcast 18th July 2023 that those who talk about conspiracies connected with Freemasons and The Cabal are dangerous and should be denied the internet. Then he changed the script and the video was re-uploaded, and he waffled on about how evil was external to humanity and for some reason confronting this evil could lead to another holocaust against Jews. He did not explain that very well. Then it was declared that those who repeated his words were defaming him because it never happened. I saw the original video, when I went back to get the time stamp I discovered the alteration. I’m glad he changed his tune.
Team Evil: Klaus Schwab and the Bloodlines of the Illuminati (Greg Reece).
The WEF’s deleted tweet they no doubt now deny:
THE END OF HUMANITY - As Planned By The Global Leaders
A.I. - The Plan to Invade Humanity (8th November 2024). Forbidden News.
"It should be obvious to anyone paying attention that the Anti-Human Agenda of the Globalists is so anti-human that it simply cannot be human."
The New World Order- Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy. (26th July 2012).
"Learn more about the history of the new world order as it pertains to modern times and what's going on in the news today. From kabalists, to gnostics, knights templars, rosicrucians, jesuits, freemasonry right down to the illuminati people speak of today."
Mark Passio - Two Masks, Same Face: The Dark Occult Origins Of Nazism & Communism. (21st June 2024).
The National Socialists Were Enemies of the West. (19th September 2024). The Epoch Times.
The Globalists Have a New Goal. (7th February 2024). Epoch Times.
“Now, we see the creation of a new massive class of useless people ... what do we need humans for?" Harari, WEF.
No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? | Documentary
Epoch Times 25th September 2023.
Texas Rancher Says US Government Facilitating Plans For A Planned Food Shortage & Depopulation.
UN Pushes NEW Lockdowns to Counter Swine Flu, Chinese “Mystery Pneumonia”
Senate Australia Parliament speech about WEF, March 2022:
WEF’s Klaus Schwab Has Plan To Eliminate Elections!
You do not need elections because we know what the result will be, because A.I. is predictive.
A Conspiracy, without the theory.
Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva
WEF: ‘Ecocide’ Agenda Could See Farmers Criminally Charged. (26th January 2024). Epoch Times.
Extending protections of 'personhood status' to plants, mountains, robots etc.
What is the value of human life?
James Roguski on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 12. (21st February 2024). Who's WHO?
Behind the Globalist Strategy to Control Your Life: Seamus Bruner Exposes the ‘Controligarch’ Agenda. (21st February 2024). The oligarchist psychopaths global agenda: climate and population crises explained.
Now Klaus Schwab's CRONIES want to take your dogs and cats | Redacted. (26th February 2024).
"ecological paw print" of pets are causing global warming?
Globalist Secret Agenda Behind Climate Alarmism, NetZero Policies, Food Shortages | Facts Matter (16th March 2024). Marc Morano, author of Green Fraud. The climate agenda is about controlled demolition of the current world.
[There are quite a few interviews with Marc Morano on Rumble].
The TRUTH about Klaus Schwab and his WEF family is now coming out | Redacted. (20th April 2024).
"Did he die unexpectedly over the weekend? No he didn't but there's a big change coming to the WEF and the Schwab family plan."
Rewriting the Script of Life. (25th November 2024). News Wire.
" ... The World Economic Forum version is based upon the power play of a number of despotic billionaires and oligarchs – who gather behind them a coterie of political, corporate and technocratic ciphers having no spine and no interest in operating outside the standard field of financially rewarding slavery. ..."
This WEF plan is DARK and is already 70% COMPLETE! | Redacted with Whitney Webb.
The WEF plan for global carbon surveillance this is all tied together with a digital ID, CBDC's, and removal of personal property. "
Also: the surveillance state is going to get much worse.
WHO caves on Pandemic Treaty, not sure if this is a good thing or they will just shift the goal posts once it is through.
Trudeau and Alex Jones.
Globalist Cabal meeting in September(?) NWO.
WEF just admitted CASH will soon be Illegal, here's how their plan works | Redacted (15th May 2024).
What normally happens is that the WEF make outrageous comments then they backpeddle and the evidence disappears and those who discuss their outrageous comments are called “Conspiracy Theorists”. The elitists love that word. Redacted has one of them on video here:
Elites Are Sh*tting Their Pants Over 1st Amendment At WEF Forum! (3rd October 2024). Jimmy Dore Show.
Making fun of John Kerry's bizarre claims that he's losing control of the narrative.
Allegedly Satire, but funny: Damon Imani auf der Bühne des #WEF in Davos. "Fuck yourself, Klaus Schwab!"
Dr Meryl Nass. Episode 467 – Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda. (9th October 2024). The Corbett Report. The globalist takeover agenda in dotpoint.
Cite documents:
BRICS Unveil the NEW New World Order! (1st November 2024). The Corbett (open source) Report
Also: The Globalists can call off DOOMSDAY now, Climate Science is not settled science, hear the latest.
WARPSPEED Stopped The FEMA Camps! by @davidjsorensen
Forced quarantine camps. "New World Order".
The New World Order: Ben Gurion’s “One True Zion” ? by Kevin Barrett (17th May 2012).
Famous quotes about the New World Order. There are lots and they are all RED FLAGS.
Satanism and the United Nations
The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). Rockefeller is a manager.
(skip intro, video begins at 9.30 minutes). See replies
The Lucifer Trust | Hrvoje Moric (5th November 2024).
"History professor and host of “Geopolitics & Empire”, Hrvoje Moric, is back to discuss the spiritual creep towards world government through non-governmental organizations such as the Lucis Trust. The writings of Alice Bailey formed the foundation of this theosophical movement, and if the name itself didn’t give it away, the Globalists’ adoption of this group should cause massive concerns about their agenda.
The role of the United Nations is not to be underestimated, as Lucis Trust has consultative status and is also connected through World Goodwill. Is this meant to be the spiritual side of the New World Order’s divine plan for humanity? Hrvoje has a unique perspective and personal experience interacting with this shadowy group while in Geneva"
Alice Bailey’s book Externalisation Of the Hierarchy “Christianity must be overthrown because it is based on Jewish sources”.
Since the oligarchy WHO want to rule this world (the one’s we attribute four letter words to) are going various ways about it I have started collecting info about them in this post: The Covid-19 Show: Part 2 post, in a section called WHO’s WHO.
Reds Under The Bed
Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up by Rothschild (Bauer) Zionist Khazars!
They hid behind the word "Jew" but were actually Zionist Khazar. These Luciferian Zionists protected their banking Zionist Khazars, Rothschild. The history:
People Magazine Archive 21st December 1981. Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, but Not as Much as Overpopulation. By Fred Hauptfuhrer.
People Magazine: "What do you consider the leading threat to the environment?"
Prince Philip: "Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed—not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they’ll consume, the more pollution they’ll create, the more fighting they’ll do. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war."
Prince Philip: The growing human population is the biggest challenge to conservation.
Interviewer: "And do you have views about what should be done about that?"
Prince Philip: "Can’t you guess?"
Remember, this is the man who said—in a 1988 interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."
This is a bit more about the British Royal Family and their hocus pocus, at 20 minutes especially. Christians are not supposed to practice magic. The King or Queen of Britain is the head of the Church of England. But they do not follow Christian principles.
Rest Is History podcast, April 2022.
Richard II, Prince Charles, and Tony Blair. From Merlin, to the Middle Ages to the modern day, the mysterious world of magic, necromancy and the occult has had a notable presence in the lives of British monarchs, politicians and members of high society. Tom and Dominic are joined by Dr Francis Young, author of Magic in Merlin’s Realm: A history of occult politics in Britain.
· Sacral tiling in Westminster Abby supposed to invoke King Solomon
· Coronation of Charles, he sat on a Solomonic occult tiling going back to Francis Bacon.
· It was restored in the last decade or so and was covered up with carpet for Queen Elizabeth II coronation.
· Tile made with Italian technique going back to the Middle Ages, a marble and glass mosaic to make up different patterns. The one in Westminster Abby was created by monks. It represents a microcosm of the world. Herme’s “As Above So Below”, the idea that the world that we inhabit is a microcosm, a smaller version of the spiritual world of planets, universe, God and the angels. The intention is to draw down the powers and rays from the spiritual cosmos. It is like a machine of empowerment. When the King sits on top of this at the right moment, because coronations are always scheduled astrologically, to make sure they took place at the most proficuous time. Those rays will enter the King and empower the king to be this semi-divine figure. It is a magical process.
I wasn’t able to copy/paste the link to the podcast, so perhaps try this link:
Occult Politics in British History with Dr Francis Young
“Dr Francis Young joins the Symposium to share the research he's conducted on the intersections between esoteric practices and political history in Britain.
From the druids to Merlin's age, from the Tudors tp the Stuart Monarchy, we will touch on many touchstones in the British history of politics and the occult, including alchemy, John Dee and so much more!
Dr Francis Young is a historian of religion and belief who teaches for the University of Oxford's Department for Continuing Education”
Boris Johnson "This is not the Arch of the Temple of Baal". (27th May 2016).
The British Royal's and Elisabeth II Connections to the NSDAP | Royals And The Nazis. (18th March 2023).
"How close were the royals to the Nazis?
“London in Summer 2015: A secret handover takes place. A reporter from the British tabloid “The Sun” receives sensitive movie footage from an informer about the royals. The pictures are political dynamite for the royal family. They show Elisabeth II as a small girl, her mother and her uncle Eduard VIII. All royals are performing a Nazi salute. Was the Duke of Windsor a trader? New reports show, that after the abdication of Eduard, the member of the royal family hoped, that Hitler comes to England and return him to the royal throne. With starting to see through documents, looking inside the mind of Eduard the VIII was also possible. Newly discovered letters reveal the driving force behind his possible treason. Was he just a pacifist, or was the royal Duke of Windsor a Nazi? Documentary: The Royals, the British Aristocracy and the Nazis”
I am told this covers Hitler's psych training in Britain during his missing year (1912) puppet of British intelligence, carrying out the Anglo empire's plan to destroy the European powers, particularly France, Germany and Russia. Based on KGB sources(? - please confirm with the KGB), I have no way of checking this myself. But I didn’t want to leave this out in case it was important.
Bank of England and US Federal Reserve financed Adolf Hitler. (11th February 2023).
Occult Politics in British History with Dr Francis Young
“Dr Francis Young joins the Symposium to share the research he's conducted on the intersections between esoteric practices and political history in Britain.
From the druids to Merlin's age, from the Tudors tp the Stuart Monarchy, we will touch on many touchstones in the British history of politics and the occult, including alchemy, John Dee and so much more!
About our guest
Dr Francis Young is a historian of religion and belief who teaches for the University of Oxford's Department for Continuing Education”
The strong connection between Prince Philip and his family, and the Nazi’s.
The Illuminati Vol.3 Murdered By The Monarchy
This is a Vimo video, so the link should be okay.
Royal Order of the Seraphim & The Crowned Serpent A Documentary. (18th October 2021).
They think they are divine. I’m sure there is a pill for that.
This is a photo of Princess Elizabeth wearing in a Bardic green robe, National Eisteddfod Mountain Ash, Glamorgan. Date: 6th August 1946, before her coronation and she became the head of the Church of England. She was a Pagan druid before she became the head of the Church Of England.
The Queen Elizabeth II wand was broken ceremoniously over her coffin during her funeral, and buried with her. The media carried a fabulous cover story, for those who would believe it.
I have long known that the European royal families belong to Royal Order of the Seraphim & The Crowned Serpent (Serpent’s are reptilian). This video adds context to some of the theories out there like "Lizzy The Lizard". I wouldn’t normally go down this Rabbit Hole but Reece usually does his homework.
The British Royals and the Reptilians by Greg Reece.
Before you laugh and say there is no such thing as aliens or other intelligent life forms in, on or around this planet I will direct you to my People Of Other Worlds post so you can at least have some informed thoughts. Military have been slow to release this information.
Government Breaks Silence: Strange Encounters | UFO's Investigating the Unknown (27th April 2024). National Geographic.
Crowley Disciples Usher In The Fourth Reich
"Confessions of a Satanist" by Frater 616 - Deathbed Confession. (13th June 2023).
Satanism is practiced at every level of Australian society, including some military, police, politicians and anyone with any influence.
“In an explosive deathbed confession, a former head of the satanist “Alpha Lodge” in Sydney, Australia, revealed the pervasive worldwide power of organized Satanism, which is synonymous with the Illuminati. “Things are not as they seem — and they have not been for a long, long time,” he wrote, describing a wholesale betrayal of society by its ostensible leaders. “Petor Narsagonan” aka “Frater 616″ died March 25, 2004. Recently, his executor, an “Aloysius Fozdyke” (their satanic names) sent the 15-page document by email to Arthur Cristian, webmaster of “” “I have felt it necessary to edit very little of this work,” “Fozdyke” wrote to Cristian, “although legal considerations have ensured that some names and details were excised. It was His intention to have this published in the popular media.” Here is a reading of this shocking document focusing on Satanic power and influence.
🔥The Empire of the Three-City-States🔥
World Crime Syndicate: Engineers of War (Knights of Malta)
A Who’s Who of Who’s Doing Who.
Max Heindel: The Rosicrucian Mysteries! / Complete Audiobook by A.I. (28th January 2024).
"Exploring its history, symbols, philosophy, and practices. Rosicrucianism is a spiritual movement that emerged in Europe in the 17th century, incorporating elements of Christian mysticism, Kabbalah, alchemy, and other esoteric teachings."
The True Israel—Wrong views of prophecies on the Jews - Interview with James Perloff. (27th December 2016).
The sinister roots of Christian Zionism: The Scofield Reference Bible Was Commissioned By Architects Of The New World Order: Jerusalem Designated As Capital. Scofield, a Criminal, was funded and protected by global elites.
“Who has the right to the land called Palestine? Are the genetic descendants of Abraham still recipients of the biblical promises for the land? Are they actually the genetic descendants? Was the Scofield Bible, a primary shaper of Christian Zionism, funded and orchestrated by Zionist Jews? Do today's Jews follow the Old Testament or something very different? What is the historic Christian view on all these issues?”
Marx revealed his Satanist faith in a poem.
David Spangler, former Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations.
The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). Their original name was The Lucifer Publishing Company.
Alice Bailey, who established the Lucifer Publishing Company - Lucis Trust wrote about religion and a totalitarian one world order in her book Externalisation of the Hierarchy.
and here is a large screenshot from the Lucis Trust website of that book. Note how this totalitarian one world order is to evolve, based on Hitlers playbook.
Robert Muller was regarded as the United Nations philosopher and he developed the World Core Curriculum Manual for our children. He based the curriculum on the writings of Alice Bailey and the entity who telepathically communicated ideas to her, Djwal Khul. Muller’s World Core Curriculum was published by The Lucis Trust.
Dr Bill Deagle at the Grenada Forum, (7th December 2006).
Everything he said is coming true, including organisms from another planet/biological warfare. They have been planning this for decades. Practicing on Americans and the vulnerable Arabs nations.
My notes so far:
1st hour: Nukes used WTC inside job; Underground cities, Quantum computing etc, assassinations; Biowarfare simulation; “Pearl Harbour Event” to bring in martial law; 9/11 inside job; Jesuits, Project Omega since Nazi’s in 1930’s, oversees all intel agencies on the planet. Based in Colorado. DUMBs, Off world facilities and fleets and technologies we cannot comprehend. Level of evil is unimaginable; Pandemic, Fauci (2006), money trail goes back to Rothschild’s and Jesuits. CIA created AIDs and Retroviruses. Bioweapons programs in operation in USA for over a century.
32:00 microorganisms that do not originate on this planet (Morgellons); Nanotech dyes and fats, cross blood-brain barrier etc; Technology of the electronic ‘cage’. Can track an animal down to the cm, from a satellite; Israel wants to start WWIII by nuclear war with Iran, and gives USA a timetable. But Israel’s instillations are being guarded so they cannot deploy (2006); Georgia Guidestones; Your doctor is a crucial part of the New World (Dis)Order. Vaccines that are psychotronic, rewire your brain, cancer, ELF tech brain using scaler tech and your Dr will administer them or be deregistered. Medicine is 1000 times more corrupt than politics; Against the law to do any transaction without your National ID and you are a ‘terrorist’ and can be imprisoned. So bye-bye precious metals. Can be executed without court processes; ADL, religious extremism, sectarian hate caused by masters of chaos. Thought crime; Depleted uranium is not depleted at all, and the greatest plague on humanity, destroying genetics for 40 billion years. George Bush unleashed this on not just Iraq but the world; “Shock and Awe” is an ancient Babylonian War Goddess, a hyperdimensional entity that is real, not imaginary; Teeth are a battery (mercury); New vaccines includes cells including from aborted foetuses; Mycoplasma in prisoners and armed forces; Chemtrails more toxic to nervous system than lead, contains human plasma (1) think they are trying to stop global warming (2) Morgellons silicone based life form that does not originate on Earth, intelligent and aggressive (3) mind control (Nokia).
2nd hour: Weather warfare; Proton Energy Field, Stargate, hyperdimensional beings. Weather also disruptions on other planets caused by the sun, discharges. Some ice increasing, some decreasing. Vulcanism increasing at the bottom of the sea, why we are having al Nino/el Nina. Earthquakes, tsunami’s; Positions in equinox and cycles; we are heading towards an ice age; pole shift cataclysms; Planet X; Underground bases, cities 4 miles +/- underground funded by illegal sale of drugs; they can heal all diseases, but they don’t want you to know; Project Omega oversees all intelligence agencies, run by both human and non-humans; Nano technology diseases designed to prevent people from hunting after a cataclysm; plan to grow all food in building, simulated meat, hydroponics, all GMO’s; King of Spain has title of King of Jerusalem; seize property; smart highway systems; walls and barriers; trying to resurrect dinosaurs; full integration with highway systems, can have total control your car via satellite; Bohemian Grove, evil people; All currencies integrated then digital;
Tim Pickles: System Collapsing as Elite Push for Revolution & Reset
It is possible the elitists want a revolution from below as a type of controlled demolition and reset of the system. We may experience a financial lock-down.
Ann Vandersteel on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 22, by @PhdSansone (24th April 2024).
Discussion of immigration, foreign policy, and the need to get involved to combat globalist psychopaths. Ann connects the dots.
How CIA Created Modern Germany, by @KitKlarenberg (14th April 2024).
Kissinger document about depopulation of the world. Declassified by The White House. Note this is a government link.
How Kissingers agenda is playing out, by the numbers:
All graphs are screenshots from Google on the 8th and 16th of December 2022.
Israel, Libya and Lebanon:
New Zealand, Australia and Canada:
Palestine, Pakistan and Israel:
Iraq, Israel and Syria:
And I thought this rather odd because everyone’s fertility rate has steadily decreased over the years, except Israel but Israel has the highest abortion rates in the world:
The Abortion Conundrum: How Far Israelis Go to Make Sure Their Babies Are Born Perfect. (15th November 2019). Haaretz.
What do parents do if they discover the baby could be born deaf? Or sterile? Or suffer from a disease? Israelis choose to terminate such pregnancies much more frequently than in other Western countries.
While looking into racism against Moroccan Jews in Israel ...
(see Haaretz article 'We Saw Jews With Hearts Like Germans' 10th July 2021, below)
... I found this article. Troubling findings. Jewish immigrants of Afro-Asian descent have a reduced birth rate of 35% since the 1950’s, and I assume that is even without contraception.
'We saw Jews with hearts like Germans': Moroccan immigrants in Israel warned families not to follow. (10th July 2021)
“Thousands of letters written in the early years of the state by immigrant soldiers to their families in Morocco reveal a gloomy picture.”
Global Fertility Rates in Decline: Study (21st March 2024). Study reported in the Lancet.
“The trend will lead to a “baby boom” and “baby bust” divide across the world, with the boom concentrated in low-income countries that are more susceptible to economic and political instability, senior researcher Stein Emil Vollset from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington in Seattle said in a statement.”
Elon Musk talked about depopulation (6th August 2022).
U.S. maternal mortality more than doubled since 1999, most deaths among Black women - study. (4th July 2023) by Nancy Lapid
This is what I call “The End Of Mankind Document”:
Denis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Centre
Briefly uploaded to NASA website in 2001.
Comment: Depopulation of Animals
With the World Economic Forum stated policy of cutting back (or eliminating) meat and dairy products “for the good of the planet” I think it is timely to remind people that Hitler was a vegetarian and the WEF’s policies are lining up with Hitlers fundamental aims including his New Order (Neuordnung) but on a world-wide scale.
The New Zealand’s government policy is to indiscriminately murder all wildlife including earthworms, deer and native birds, but the rhetoric is that we need to get rid of pests like possums. This does not fly. 1080 is banned in the USA because it is cruel and toxic.
Documentary produced by the Graff Boys:
1080 Poison in New Zealand - Obscene Cruelty Part 1 (26th February 2010).
“Trying to stop the use of poisons spread by plane and chopper throughout New Zealand lead by the government. How many other governments blanket poison their own country?”
1080 Poison in New Zealand - Obscene Cruelty Part 2 (26th February 2010).
AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals: 2019 Edition
Deagel (minor branch of US military intelligence) 2025 Forecast. They were unpublished from Deagels website but recovered with the Way Back Machine:
Chris Hedges "The Greatest Evil is War" (29th October 2022).
“Chris Hedges returned to The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on October 21, 2022 to speak on the subject of his latest book, titled “The Greatest Evil is War” (Seven Stories Press). This unflinching indictment of the horror and obscenity of war draws from experience and interviews for a book that looks at the hidden costs of war, what it does to individuals, families, communities, and nations.”
Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia by John Pilger (1990).
Western nations supplied covert support and arms sales to the Khmer Rouge. These nations included (but were not limited to) the United States, The UK, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, and France.
The Day Israel Attacked America | Special Series. (4th November 2014).
There are a few documentaries about this attack, including a 2002 BBC documentary, but I chose this because it has audio (in Hebrew) that proves Israel knew they were attacking the USA.
You Need Only Read One Article About The USS Liberty: James Perloff's by Celia Farber
Dr. Bill Deagle At The Granada Forum (7th December 2006).
Dialling up your cortex.
4 hour documentary, extremely thorough.
Dr Bill Deagle Conspiracy Con 2008 End Of The Age The Transformation Nexxus Of Man. Internet Archives. 93 minutes.
Mass murders are commonplace throughout history, we don’t always hear about them, and if you keep scrolling you will find a likely explanation. Here I give an example of a genocide we didn’t learn about in school:
During the occupation of Chad in 1917, France gathered 400 Muslim scholars and beheaded them with a machete. - When France entered the Algerian city of Ghouta in 1852, it burned and massacred two-thirds of its population in just one night.
The United States government is acting outside the law. They are criminal and nobody has the legal authority to lead because they fudged their vows to the constitution.
It isn’t just fertility rates declining and continuous wars, eight million children are trafficked each year and never seen again. This is a big industry with a lot of players. You will find more information in my Child Abuse And Slaughter post.
Other genocides worth mentioning is the current covert war against humanity:
It isn’t only biological weapons they are using against us. I have a post called Covert Weapons and Exotic Technology
If you browse my Anthropology, Archeology and Science post you will find they have been lying to us for many years, and even about the ‘Climate Change’ narrative and the ‘overpopulation problem’.
Other genocides and mass murders worth mentioning includeThe Sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians:
Nine Eleven, 911 or 9/11. (11th September 2001). But I haven’t organised that yet so I don’t have an intro page.
How New York Times Distorted Coverage of Genocide. (28th March 2024). Epoch Times.
“The New York Times is being accused of distorting coverage of human rights abuses in China by helping cover up a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution that marked 100 million people for imprisonment, enslavement, torture, and death. A new study from the Falun Dafa Information Center, a human rights organization, has detailed how The New York Times repeated CCP talking points, distorted news, and helped cover up the large-scale persecution against Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, in China. Even in its response to the report, The New York Times framed the murder of Falun Gong practitioners for their organs as “forced organ donations.”
Dr Bill Deagle at the Granada Forum, 7th December 2006 (4 hours).
Dr Deagle gave an extremely informed presentation. He covered most of what you need to know today. He treated the pilots who spread the toxins in the United States chemtrails and became a confidante, and learned much.
The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century. Greg Reese Report.
These people must be stopped.
False Flag Warnings For Martial Law in the USA and War with Russia. By Greg Reese.
The so-called USA government are the predators. Americans are the prey.
Even Klaus Schwab WOULDN'T do this! U.N. Planetary Emergency COMING! | Redacted (26th April 2024).
Discussion of the United Nations master plan (plot) to take over the world, dissolve national boundaries and their eugenics.
"Globalists are about to meet this fall to plan a “Technocratic Takeover.” That is what our guest Derrick Broze ( calls the upcoming United Nations Meeting called “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the so-called “Pact for the Future." It is expected to declare a “planetary emergency.” We don't like the sound of any of that! Broze is an independent journalist who writes for and he joins us to discuss this."
I received these documents from Deborah Tavares
New World Order: United Nations Directive. 4th July 2025.
The UN PLAN lines up with the Iron Mountain Report.
Actual Iron Mountain Report.
While the above directive may not have a logo or banner, it does not mean it is not authentic. It could be a leaked copy. I have put out my feelers to see what others think but I would not rely on their or my confirmation or denial, I do not want to lull you into a false sense of security. Remember the political slogans “follow the science” and “the vaccine is safe and effective”?
All of the oligarchs who own the United Nations are involved in child trafficking, see my Child Abuse and Slaughter post, especially the first two testimony video’s.
Their corruption is fairly extreme. I surmise these oligarchs are the supranational entity that dictated the pandemic response to our governments, see the top of my The Covid19 Show: Part 3. The third video is by a psychiatrist who had a patient from one of the elitist families who said she was looking forward to ‘the culling’ of roughly 90% of humanity.
I am taking this matter seriously, unless proven otherwise, and I do not rely on the media to debunk their masters conspiracies. See my Mind Control post.
My agenda is to save as many lives as possible. You may have to play dumb and go along with it to survive the assault, I’ve already blotted my copy-book (“byeee”). I really would not be able to live in a totalitarian society without the right to vote, the right to own property and without my grandchildren.
But make sure you warn the others and give them the opportunity to make informed decisions.
Read this again:
The video has no audio. In the description under the video it says:
“Not sure of the legitimacy of this, but so far everything else that has leaked, has happened. The two links below the first one are legitimate however.
******************** “
Someone passed me this video. I listened to it and thought it did t-up with the direction I think things have been going in so I did a little more digging and found his Dead Man’s Switch. But then then this person pinged me again and told me to listen to it more carefully because it mentioned using a virus (bioweapon) against those they believed were threats to them. And I know that this is entirely possible. A virus or other pathogen can be created to target a particular race, blood type or blood line. You will find out more in my terrorism section of Covid-19 Show: Part 2 post where a Mossad scientist revealed that Israel had weaponised the swine flu vaccine. That story never went away, in spite of the best efforts of the Debunkery experts.
David Goldberg's final words.
References classified documents and White House memo's revealing EXTERMINATION plans of Americans via Project Pogo (YouTube gatekeepers, social media spies keeping track of your likes and shares) and Project Zyphr: To exterminate the opposition to Zionism, with guillotines etc and a virus was mentioned. There will be an electric blackout then they will swoop and disappear anyone who is anti Zionist. A financial meltdown, food crisis with The Purge of human life.
While Julian Assange wasn’t talking specifically about Zionists at the conference organized by International Association of Democratic Lawyers and Republic of Ecuador, he did state there is a policy of harvesting Palestinian anti-Zionist DNA "A technique has been developed in the west of punishment as process." | Julian Assange so I guess they are harvesting all anti-Zionists DNA? This will be for the selective-replicative defective gene ‘therapy’ delivery terrorist bioweapons we know about from the The Covid-19 Show: Part 1 post.
Deleting Whistleblowers. It's what Satanists do.
It took me ages to find this article, and there are some thoughts from his friends as well as mention of other whistle-blowers who have perished while fighting the good fight.
David Goldberg died in 2019 according to the reference above, and I think this is his Dead Man’s Switch. It includes the above video that you will be able to find on other platforms, hopefully. David’s other video’s that have been since deleted all over the internet, as well as secret phone recordings. David’s legal team consented to David’s material being published in archives on the internet. I had to scroll pages and pages of Yandex to find it. You are welcome. I think I got more out of the video and article above, than the zip files from the link, but you might make more connections than me. It’s a little like being a librarian. Fancy that, the virus thing known before 2019.
An Israeli TV Anchor spells out their order of death for the world. They will destroy the Middle East then America then the rest of us. I've heard this so many times from Israeli's before, including prominent ones. I cannot ignore. You do realise they are worse than the Nazi's for racial supremacy views? Oh yes. The black Jews have to be driven 1.5 hours to school so they don't get educated alongside the white Ashkenazi Jews. You didn't learn that in school, did you?
Israeli tv anchor says they are going to kill everyone in the world.
What may lend weight to David Goldberg’s final words is this experiment I did:
Can you see how the is broken (// when I share from my Google account? Don’t take chances.
US Lawmakers seek to criminally outlaw support for boycott campaign against Israel. (19th July 2017). Glenn Greenwald.
The Antisemitism Awareness Act Will Make It Illegal To Critize Israel on Campus. (2nd May 2024). Published in Reason.
This is even though fewer than 30% of Israeli’s are Jewish.
Israel Among the Least Religious Countries in the World. (14th April 2015). Haaretz.
and Israel is currently on charged with genocide of the Palestinians at the International Criminal Court with arrest warrents looming.
There will be a reason for the White House method of dispatch for anti-Zionists. Decapitation by guillotine or genetic mutilation via trojan virus. There will be an esoteric reason for their choice of dispatch.
Builders = Bilderberg
Queen - Princes Of The Universe
The above song is from the movie and series called Highlander and this is a quote often repeated during the movie and series “There Can Be Only One”. The method of dispatch for the Immortals is decapitation, and all the energy and power flows to the winner, a bit like the character Gabriel "Sylar" Gray played by Zachary Quinto in the popular series Hero’s. What if these productions were inspired by actual events? It is getting more and more difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction in Hollywood. See my Mind Control post, there is a section called Predictive Programming. This is a Satanic form of not just mind control, but the Satanists believe that by broadcasting their intentions they are absolved from karmic retribution.
How do I know about a Trojan virus? That is from pulling a few pieces of information together, nothing I can prove but lend me your ear for a moment.
John DeSouza worked for the FBI as a Special Agent for 25 years, he was also a lawyer and he is an author. He worked on both counter-terrorism and paranormal. His case notes were used for the first season(s) of X-Files. Hollywood works with intelligence agencies. Scroll down to the next section to learn more about John DeSouza and his remarkable knowledge.
X-Files Season 10 - Conspiracy Overview. (7th June 2022).
This aired in 2016. Here a ‘Spartan Virus’ is mentioned, but I’m sure they mean a Trojan Virus. As it so happens our immune systems are being compromised by the Covid-19 Shots (that have unproven efficacy as a vaccine).
Everyone has a piece in your genome put in your DNA.
Unless we gave them the ability to tamper with our DNA.
Tampering with our immune systems.
Virus within a virus put there with the smallpox vaccine.
Remove the ada gene … only a matter of time until we get sick
RNA and a protein cutting genes at exact locations. Weapon.
The ability to depopulate the planet, everyone but the chosen. By tampering with their DNA.
Your own government lies as a matter of course.
Not hard to imagine, a government hording technology for 70 years, the takeover of America and then the world. Weather wars, aerial contaminants. Problem/Reaction/Solution … tighten security. Prison camps. Corporate takeover of food production etc. … this is uncanny.
Microwave Weaponry’s Use On People Explained By Barrie Trower (6th December 2012).
From 12:30 Mr Trower goes on to discuss HAARP’s role with biological warfare. Hiding a virus within something like a bacterium. Because viruses are neither dead or alive they can be activated with a particular frequency. This could be a light frequency, and I suppose a sound frequency but definitely with microwaves such as HAARP or cell phone towers. He goes on to explain that the spies could sprinkle this around in a particular area and the system is up and running to activate the virus, or parasite or whatever pathogen they want to attack people with, and this could cause incredible economic damage to a country, covertly. Fingerprintless. Do watch the entire video, there is a lot to be aware of.
This is my YouTube playlist for those that want to listen to Barrie Trower speak about microwave warfare. If any of these links go down you will probably find the same video with the same name on a different platform, browser or search engine. I don’t know if it is safe to go click on my playlist link. Please try finding the video’s either on Rumble or YouTube first.
The Cooking of Humanity. (20th October 2010).
Barrie Trower a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert. (17th January 2016).
Barrie Trower (1 of 13) Radiation Scientist and Expert discusses Effects of Microwave Radiation. (11th February 2012).
Barrie Trower - The Dangers of Microwave Technology. (13th November 2010).
Barrie Trower, lecture at the Open Mind Conference 2012 part 1. (23rd May 2013).
Barrie Trower Talks with Victims of Non-Consensual Microwave and EMF Experimentation and Testing. (27th June 2012).
I am more likely to believe a spy who sits down with me to have a cup of tea and a biscuit (or scone with jam and cream) than the pretenders in dark glasses.
There’s other bits of information I pulled together, scroll around my posts and Facebook or just scroll down to the next section. The most important lesson to learn is that governments, their military wings and their propaganda units and their scientists will lie, for a living. And think nothing of it, even if withholding that information kills babies in a womb or children in their beds, or our love for God.
CIA Spy: "Leave The USA Before 2030!" Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Gut! ... (4th March 2024).
"Andrew Bustamante is a former covert CIA intelligence officer and US Air Force combat veteran He is the founder of EverydaySpy"
The date of America’s self destruction, taking down their allies too, has been revised since this recent video.
I don’t have any suggestions with how to prevent this catastrophe. This is not in my brief. I only go so far, and take so many risks, to give you this information for you to decide what to do, with the knowledge and networks you have. My hands are tied, my voice is silenced and I hope you develop the skills you need to survive and survival of our species.
Dr. Rima Laibow, psychiatrist, and widow of Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III, West Point (intelligence). This is the psychiatrist who talked about the New World Order and the culling of 90% of humanity.
"In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host Attorney Dagmar Schoen talk with Dr. Rima Laibow, a psychiatrist and specialist in child & adolescent psychiatry in the US, about the untrustworthy and demonstrably long-planned agenda of a psychopathic minority of self-proclaimed elites who stop at no crime to achieve their inhuman goals. In their dangerous megalomania to decimate humanity by 95% and to keep the rest under their totalitarian control like cattle and to abuse them as they see fit, they do not even stop at the cruelest violence against the weakest members of our society, the children."
Dr. Rima Laibow: Monstrous Sexualization of Children and Colonization by Mind Control
The Deep State and Shadow Government have brought forward their plans according to Dr Steven Greer.
The link to The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive (DPIA) is in the description of the video. This is a searchable database that is continuously being added to. Contributions from all the three letter agencies, including anonymous whistleblowers. The global mafia would wipe out all their bloodlines, including grandchildren. Dr Greer has worked closely with the US congress they are too slow. The threat is imminent.
United Nations has a secret plan to invade America | Redacted (21st May 2024).
“UN has a secret plan to invade America. Among the millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the U.S. are UN trained army soldiers.”
"America is BUILDING these secret facilities in all 50 states" WHY?!? | Redacted (14th June 2024).
What Do Nazis And Globalists Have In Common? A Lot | with David A. Hughes. (26th September 2024). Kim Iversen.
UN about to “transform the global governance” by increasing its power: our guest Alex Newman enlightens the world, by @GingerBreggin
Kamala Harris in Her Own Words
w/ John & Bella DeSouza, Joe Flynn, Cathy O'Brien, Robert David Steele & Robyn Gritz
Alan Watt - The Authors - Ep. 16 - Carroll Quigley "Empire Shaping" - Nov. 9, 2024
Splintering Babylon
Episode 1 (Remastered): What is the Deep State? (22nd February 2024). Free People Movement podcast. Sweden.
This is their Rumble channel:
YouTube took down their episode called Modern Warfare. Don’t know why, but I’d probably scroll to that first.
Governments and Media roles in War Propaganda | THE WAR YOU DON'T SEE | John Pilger Documentary. (21st July 2023).
Written, Produced and Directed by John Pilger with Alan Lowery
Video: Anatomy of the Deep State, Mike Lofgren. Hidden in plain sight. Bill Moyers & Company
Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State (21st February 2014. by Mike Lofgren
"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101"
Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government. (20th February 2018).
Part 2: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer, Exposes Shadow Government. (22nd February 2018).
Shadow Government/Deep State Officials Exposed (13th August 2018) Kevin Shipp.
The Invisible Government (2007). John Pilger.
“In the recording, the final two paragraphs were partially cut off. They are as follows: "In Venezuela, Greg Wilpert's investigations turned back much of the virulent propaganda now aimed at Hugo Chávez. Make no mistake, it's the threat of freedom of speech for the majority in Venezuela that lies behind the campaign in the west on behalf of the corrupt RCTV. The challenge for the rest of us is to lift this subjugated knowledge from out of the underground and take it to ordinary people. "We need to make haste. Liberal Democracy is moving toward a form of corporate dictatorship. This is an historic shift, and the media must not be allowed to be its façade, but itself made into a popular, burning issue, and subjected to direct action. That great whistleblower Tom Paine warned that if the majority of the people were denied the truth and the ideas of truth, it was time to storm what he called the Bastille of words. That time is now." Here longtime journalist John Pilger discusses the hidden power of corporate media. Edward Bernays, the founder of modern propaganda and public relations, rightly called the media an "invisible government". The older title was the Fourth Estate, a branch of government (or governance) that operates independently of the aristocracy, church, and people. In line with the lecture by Walter Ong posted by this channel, Pilger discusses the manner in which this kind of mass communication shapes the way we think. Complex ideas and events are reduced to simple slogans and stock imagery repeated ad nauseam until viewers are able to recall these sound-bytes on command. Such sloganeering can be seen in the documentary about Vatican II also on this channel ("mature catholics", "the people of God", "modern man", etc.). As Louis Bouyer remarked in his "Decomposition of Catholicism", no matter how canonists and professional theologians understood the reality of Vatican II, for the vast majority of people (and indeed, churchmen) the council's reality was defined by the press. Indeed, as David Wemhoff has forcefully argued, it appears that the media's reporting of Vatican II was largely supported and guided by US Intelligence agencies. Pilger points out the inevitable alliance between mass media, capital, and state power. Indeed, the very Achilles Heel of professional journalism is the need to be "objective," which really means, "respectable." For "respectability" is an essential aspect of the way in which media companies market themselves—though indeed, being "disrespectful" can similarly be a form of marketing. Whence respectability? Respectability is conferred by conformity with the arbiters of respectable opinion: official sources, the academy and academic publications, public intellectuals, leading businessmen, etc. In the West, the neoliberal elite bears this respectability. Over the last fifty years or so, the great achievement of this ruling class has been to accommodate and internalize subversion. That is, it has successfully created forms of "revolution" that actually bolster the power of this elite class. Marx inspired—or Marxist-lite—cultural revolution really serves to sever man from Nature (physis) and dissolve forms of organization that lie between the individual and the state. These are chiefly nation, community, locality, religious bodies, and the family. The rhetoric of revolution (racial consciousness, class consciousness, sexual consciousness, etc.) is really used to enact Hobbes' structure of government: you as an individual are wholly free, so long as you wholly submit to the Leviathan. Donald Trump, the neoliberal "bad cop" to the Democrats' and Neo-conservatives' "good cop", was instrumental in assuring consumers of media that the corporate press was actually "subversive" and "speaking truth to power." This is not because he himself was not vocal about the misdeeds of the press, but rather, because the press successfully painted him as a "fascist dictator" (when he really was just a Liberal Nationalist). Suddenly the corporate media, which had happily functioned as Obama's propaganda arm, was the bastion of "free thought" and "democracy," which, according the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post, "dies in darkness." The beauty of Trump's presidency, however, is that the alliance between capital, the state, and media became so obvious. Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, etc. took active positions against a sitting president, effectively silencing him and virtually unseating him from power. This was all done in the name of "democracy", as the media assures us. Likewise the recent medical emergency likewise reveals in sharp relief the alliance between media, pharmaceutical companies, the academic medical establishment, and state power.”
The Chris Hedges Report with Loretta Napoleoni on the rise of Techno-Fascism, by @ChrisLynnHedges
The Same Shady People Own both Big Pharma and the Media | BlackRock and the Vanguard Group.
BlackRock: The Company That Controls The World’s Governments. (10th July 2023).
Blackrock backs the World Economic Forum, parent company of Pfizer etc.
Monopoly – Who Owns The World? – A documentary by Tim Gielen (2021)
Ex Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Exposes The Elite
All three parts of Ronald Bernards testimony. Ronald testifies that the banking oligarchy fund terrorism, they are all Zionists and they all engage in Satanic sacrifice of children.
Unmasking Money Magick - ROBERT SEPEHR (25th January 2022).
"Usury is the practice of making unethical or immoral loans with a high interest rate that unfairly enrich the lender."
The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation. (12th June 2011).
When they talk about a banker called Red Shield, Rothschild is Red Shield in German.
This Rothschild inspired Central Banking System is almost worldwide. But not in Russia or Iran.
Aaron Russo talks Rockefeller Elite (12 Minutes)
Russo (The Rose and Mad As Hell) became friends with Nicholas Rockefeller. He revealed their agenda for a one world government, and to chip everyone.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN executive director and former president of Club of Rome, Călin Georgescu - Oligarchs own the U.N. These Oligarchs plan to take over the world, kill the wise because the wise want freedom and they also traffic eight million children each year.
The Bilderberg Group: Meetings, Protocols, Decisions Making, and the Club Membership. By Daniel Estulin, author of TransEvolution: The Coming Age Of Human Deconstruction.
Bilderberg = Fabian Socialism (power and control).
"Their Master Plan With BlackRock Revealed" - Whitney Webb Bitcoin Prediction. (12th March 2024)
A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind By Stephen Goodson | Peacedozer
Archived book:
Audio book:
Ancient Bloodlines/Contemporary Power. (15th June 2015).
"Professor Hamamoto Interviews Leuren Moret for a wide-ranging conversation that inspires a radically new understanding of world civilization and its current manifestations."
The contemporary rulers of the world are originally from Iran. Dr Moret was able to connect the dots with signs and symbols (Confucius quote), including deciphering their names and connecting them with ancient bloodlines and geological locations.
NWO, transhumanism movement, nuclear and other pollutions, poisonings, and radiations.
Discussions of genocides ‘salt the earth’ and destroy their first-born sons. Italians (including Vatican) are originally Iranians.
EMFs with suicide frequencies that are having profound effects in certain areas in USA.
Satanic symbols on university campuses, across USA and Europe, coming out of the military; Talmud, Kabbalah come from these Satanic cults, (not Torah Jews).
Breeding programs, for example Hitler was a Rothschild(!)
The Russians did thorough genetic DNA studies, better than the USA scientists.
I stopped listening at 1 hour 30 minutes but will return to this.
I am not 100% sure about this schematic, but I thought I would present it anyway because it comes from someone with a PhD.
HOPE RESTORED - Paul Hellyer Sept 2018 - Action Plan for Americans to Take Back Control of America. (4th June 2019).
Hon Paul Hellyer is a former Canadian Minister of Defence.
“This video is a comprehensive and startling public address to Americans and the world from long time politician and senior Canadian cabinet minister Paul Hellyer. "The Potential Miracle Can only Happen from the Bottom Up. There is no way that America can be saved for Americans if you expect the miracle to begin at the top. It will only happen if many millions of ordinary Americans are sufficiently motivated to save their country from the fascists. They MUST contact the president, their Congressman or Congresswoman and their Senator, if he or she is one of the 35 up for re-election, and say to each one of them: We will vote against you, regardless of party affiliation, if you don’t initiate and enact the agenda set out in this video before the election. Promises of action after the election won’t do. Only action now will earn you my vote because it is the survival of my country as an independent entity that is at stake." Hon. Paul Hellyer, September 2018”.
To be able to understand what rules over us you will need a whole lot of information that the Cabal have spent thousands of years suppressing. Many people have come to warn you and you have ridiculed and persecuted them because believing the Cabal and their army swarms is much more comforting than knowing the truth. It is not entirely your fault, you have been taught not to question their authority.
I will only leave you with this, and wish you luck:
Shona. Just saying hello... Hope your well... I've been so busy at work. Etc. I hope I can have more time to view your info... It's all so powerful... again. THANKS... YOU ROCK...